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Natasha hates skirts and formal blouses, but adores tight-fitting trousers and craigslist south bend dating casual T-shirts. She prefers low-heeled shoes to high-heeled, because they are more comfortable to her mind. I believe that Natasha is a very amazing girl, because she differs from other people. When craigslist south bend dating she was about twelve she became a real tomboy, she communicated only with boys except me, she liked to play rough and boys' games and she even decided to go to the craigslist south bend dating army when she would come of age. All her friends and relatives craigslist south bend dating tried to dissuade her and at least she agreed, but frankly speaking. I can'craigslist south bend dating t understand craigslist south bend dating her desire even now, though in general we are very alike. It's true that Natasha is a very enthusiastic and active person, you can hardly find her sitting at one place without doing anything but in spite of craigslist south bend dating it she constantly has no free time. My friend is a gregarious person and an optimist; she is never bored but always smiles and laughs, that is why I like her fascinating smile very much.
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